The application of the benefit, it cannot be understood that the irregularity of the work carried out in a previous period has been corrected, and cannot be counted as subject to contribution, since "the regularization produces its effects, as far as this matter is concerned, from the time it takes place and it is not retroactively effective as long as the applicable regulations that are oriented precisely in the opposite direction do not provide for it.
All this without prejudice, where appropriate, to civil liability of a compensatory nature and contractual nature that the employer may have incurred due to fault or negligence Whatsapp Mobile Number List in contracting. Unemployment protection was originally reserved for employed workers, but with Law 32/2010 of August 5, which establishes a specific system of protection for cessation of activity for self-employed workers, this possibility was extended to workers self-employed.
The benefit for cessation of activity, however there are few self-employed who have benefited from this measure given the strict requirements demanded since it is necessary the concurrence of economic, technical, productive or organizational reasons that determine the infeasibility of continuing the activity economic or professional and in the case of an establishment open to the public, its closure will be required during the receipt of the subsidy or its transmission to third parties.